

Our vision is to become a leading example of a sustainable and creative brand and to be known as the ones who made commuting by bicycle and sustainable living popular in South Africa. We are passionate about our world and everyone and everything on it and want to use our wit, experience and creative skills to support those less fortunate than we are, those in need of inspiration, education or just a fair chance. Instead of creating yet another charity, we decided to leave that to the experts and rather use our creative talents and ideas to offer desirable products for those who can afford it and help the unprivileged ones. With help we understand to create jobs directly, guarantee a family’s income and thus education for their kids, or to offer the opportunity for other unprivileged people to work for a bicycle in our workshop. We believe that the developing world need the support of conscientious business partnershipsand collaborations rather than handouts and it is our mission to do exactly that. We want to improve unprivileged people’s mobility in developing countries with sustainable and fair products. But also important for us is not simply donating bicycles to people who are in need of a transport medium but to create jobs.


For more details go to How does it work?

Everyone can support DAZUD

With your purchase of our 100% organic cotton t-shirts you do not only get top products but you support the DAZUD Mission. There are many fancy bike and apparel brands out there but DAZUD wants to set a clear sign of difference and…

…against dumb!
  • no overconsumption
  • no thoughtless purchasing behaviour
  • against buying low quality products that last little and thus create much waste
  • against products made of raw materials or processes that exploit nature
  • against companies who don’t care about our environment
  • against companies who don’t return a part of their benefits to society